On the aspect of "developing school characteristics", the characteristic development direction of "creating cross-domain integration of Triple S smart technology and multiple application talents" is drawn up. In 107, an integrated teacher community was established to cultivate seed teachers. In 109, Boya opened the "Smart Technology and Internet of Things Application" course, with a total of 3 classes/123 people/34 applications; the three colleges promoted micro-learning related to "Smart Technology Innovation and Application" Cheng, 32.58%, 30.42%, 42.55% of the college students participated in the study, and the courses have obtained 550 professional licenses, and the works related to the multiple applications of smart technology have won 25 domestic and foreign competitions.
On the "implementation of teaching innovation and improvement of teaching quality", starting from the "teaching characteristics", "teaching innovation" and "teaching quality". In the "teaching features", each department has referenced UCAN's functions to construct a "departmental training feature" that is a deep link between industry and academia of "one department positioning one key talent cultivation".
In 109, 105 teachers were hired to assist 96 collaborative teaching courses. In the 108 academic year, the certificate acquisition rate of senior graduates increased to 79.1%, and the completion rate of off-campus internships was 59.98%, of which 74.38% participated in the semester/academic year internships; in the "International Features", affected by the epidemic in 109, international studies were only at the beginning of the year Granted 3 students for semester study in New Zealand, 4 students for short-term study in Thailand, 124 overseas students in school, 15 Indonesian students have passed the Chinese language test, and 2 multicultural international days were held to show the exotic customs of 7 countries With food; in the "Shuping Value-Added Feature", which cultivates the soft power of student team cooperation through exploration and education, 21 freshmen classes participated 100%.
In 109, 7 courses were opened, 211 students chose to read, and 54 teams of 100-second challenge activities /108 people participated in cross-school services, a total of 15 challenge camps, 10 high school vocational schools, 3 companies, a total of 908 off-campus students and people participated, and activities were held in the community building.
In the "teaching innovation side", through the operation of the teacher community and the design of teaching activities, the basic abilities of students in Chinese and English are cultivated. The passing rates of the graduates in the 108 academic year are 98% and 95.1% respectively; combined with the school’s USR project community field and Topics, to promote innovative teaching of "dual domain + dual direction", 40 related courses in 109, 1,351 students attended; "Construct a cross-domain learning environment", 109 opened a total of 60 micro-credit unit courses open cross-domain learning; 14 Teachers in the teacher-student community lead students in in-depth learning through a mentoring system. In the aspect of "teaching quality", the school's teaching quality assurance mechanism has been implemented. In the 108th academic year, the improvement rate of students after receiving tutoring was 91.32%. In the 108-2 semester, 90.65% of all teachers' teaching evaluations were higher than 80 points. The teacher ratio is 18.17, 83.9% are assistant professors or above, and 96.2% are teachers with industry experience or professional certification.
In the aspect of "improving the publicity of higher education", starting from the "counseling side" and "service side", in the student counseling side, we care for the overall connection of students from freshman admission to graduation employment. All departments of the school handle freshman enrollment activities; 81.79% of financially disadvantaged students received financial or counselling assistance, and 151 students received reassurance grants, examination license registration fees, and competition top-notch awards. They have achieved success in competition awards, license acquisition, and further studies; the newly established original resource center provides aboriginal livelihoods Various counseling.
In terms of community service, 6 clubs, 13 departments to 29 communities/institutions provide diversified services, and the college cross-field integration and local co-organization of 4 large-scale local creation activities; "transnational two-way dual-partner volunteer service" ceased due to the epidemic in 109 Go through.
In terms of social service, 969 news, messages, dynamic posts, etc. were released through various channels and media in 109 to disclose the latest information on school running; 6 departments passed, 2 departments completed IEET international certification, and 7 departments launched Taiwan Review Conference Certification and implementation of self-quality assurance; assisting high school vocational education in 16 collaborative teaching, special topic production, and license counseling courses, handling 24 observation studies, and sharing resources in a friendly manner.
In the aspect of "fulfilling social responsibility", completed the establishment of "social innovation service practice base", implemented a total of 6 seed, germination, and in-depth plowing plans, increased partners, expanded service fields, and deepened service technology. The service results won 2020 TCSA University's USR Sustainability Program Bronze Medal Award, the Taiwan Town Brand-Image Design Management Award organized by the Global Brand Association, and the USR Online Expo were selected as finalists, and assisted Waipu District to obtain a local creation funding subsidy of RMB 2.224 million.
In terms of the overall target achievement status, the Ministry has set a total of 13 major items/34 minor items for common performance quantitative indicators, and 30 items have reached or exceeded the target value, with an achievement rate of 88.23%. One item is due to the change of the statistical interval of the Ministry of Education's higher education system platform. If not reached, the target value will be adjusted in the year of 110. Two items will be dual majors, and the minor department will be difficult to promote. Multiple cross-domain learning methods will be formulated to respond. One item is the newly promoted digital technology micro-learning program. Will implement and promote the goal. There are 10 major items/21 minor items in the customized performance quantitative indicators, 16 items have reached or exceeded the target value, and the achievement rate is 76.19%. The 5 unachieved indexes are all indicators related to internationalization and off-campus competitions. They will all be suspended this year due to the epidemic. Or reduce, 110 years will still work hard to promote the target value, but will still be dynamically adjusted according to the epidemic situation. The various qualitative index items set by the Ministry are implemented stably in accordance with the corresponding sub-plans.
Create cross-domain integration of Triple S
smart technology and multiple application talents.
整合成立「智慧科技跨領域創新應用」教師社群 | 博雅學院開設「智慧科技與物聯網應用」課程 |
【A-1】College of Engineering:Smart manufaturing,creating a practial master in the application of Industry 4.0 technology.
建置物聯網應用技術中心 | 舉辦智慧製造相關之研習會 |
舉辦學生專題成果展 | 與水產文蛤養殖魚塭架設溫度感測設備 |
「客製化無線智慧機上盒在手工具鍛造廠之應用」作品榮獲109年iHT智慧手工具創新研發競賽-第二名 | 「智慧科技在水產養殖的應用」作品榮獲第十五屆HOLTEK盛群盃MCU創意大賽-傑出獎 |
【A-2】College of Management:Smart business, cultivate management elites in innovation, entrepreneurship and operation.
參加Young !好樣市集,協助農民推廣銷售 | 建構「微型創業」場域,學生組成創業團隊 |
「居家照顧智慧語言協助系統 2.0」作品榮獲第25屆大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽 第一名 | 「非接觸式公車下車鈴系統」作品榮獲2020第11屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽 金牌 |
【A-3】College of Tourism and Creativity:Smart tourism, cultivate tourism industry talents with all-round capabilities and vision.
多國語言深度旅遊導覽影片 | 舉辦田頭水感動的田頭水故事成果展 |
「類真實射擊遊戲」作品榮獲第十五屆HOLTEK盛群盃MCU創意大賽-第二名 | 「此處不留車、自有留車處」、「煙勁在騎、觀念要有」等 作品榮獲2020臺中市移動污染源空氣污染減量政策與推廣行銷創意發想競賽-第一名。 |
【B-1】Faculty cultivation characteristics:Employment-oriented, promote industry-university linkage functional couress.
開設校/院/系課程委員會 | 建置無人機應用教學中心 |
邀請業師進行協同教學 | 培育學生就業專業技能- CNC銑床 |
【B-2】Inteernational featuress:Deepen diversified suitability and actively recruit foreign students.
外籍生進行華語演說練習 | 外籍學生華語能力輔導 |
優秀學生參加泰國曼谷舉辦之2020東協優秀青年營「ASEAN YOUTH CAMP 2020」 | 辦理「多元文化國際日」活動展現國際學生各項學習成果 |
【B-3】Hust value-added features:Explore education, cultivate character and self-confidence,team leaders, workplace soft power.
成立探索教育教師社群 | 開設探索教育相關課程 |
社團搭配USR計畫至社區大樓取貨站市集活動設計活動吸引人潮 | 舉辦高中職學校探索教育挑戰營隊活動、企業教育訓練專班 |
【C-1】General Education Innovation:Cultivate student's basic abilities and core qualities.
成立國文領域教師創新教學社群 | 舉辦通識文學講座、閱讀心得、小品文、感恩家書等寫作比賽活動 |
開設「創意思考與問題解決」必修課程,舉辦相關競賽,激發學生團隊創意及展示成果 | 開設「台灣民俗與文化」課程,製作及舉辦臺灣文化專題成果展等活動 |
【C-2】Professional innovation: improve students' problem solving ability.
開設實作教學課程 | 開設創意構想實體化課程 |
開設深碗實踐課程 | 開設多師共時跨領域整合教學課程 |
【C-3】Envirommental innovation:Support creative and innovative makers practical teaching.
建置「智慧零售實驗室」 | 創意餐飲實驗中心師生團隊研發特色伴手禮 |
舉辦「在地工藝、服務與商品開發」系列實作活動 | 優思馬特學生團隊獲知名電梯大廠OTIS合作開發機會 |
【C-4】Cross-domain learning:Cultivate student's diversified abilities and maintain employment.
開設微學分課程,供學生選讀 | 與企業合作邀請專家演講 |
與企業合作進行企業參訪 | 與企業合作進行職場體驗 |
【D-1】Optimize teachers,Improve diversified teaching ability.
辦理實務操作或技能研習 | 與企業產學合作,積極推動教師赴機構業界研習 |
【D-2】Action teacher, digital course flipped teaching.
舉辦教師教學知能研習活動 | VDI雲端軟體智慧學習平台 |
【D-3】Encourage teachers, diligently recruit and retain talents.
優良教師教學經驗分享 | 優良教師表揚 |
【D-4】Quality control examination,imlpementaion of teaching quality assurance mechanism.
課程設立教學助理TA,強化學生學習成效 | 落實學習預警,開設課業輔導課程 |
【E-1】Student's happy integration,learning adaptation and employment connection.
舉辦新生入學啟蒙活動 | 大一新生班皆實施UCAN職涯探索檢測 |
舉辦廠商的實習媒合徵才說明會 | 與台中市就業服務處合作辦理小型就業媒合活動 |
【E-2】Inside the school:Perfect assistance for disdvantaged students and ensure that students can learn with peace of mind.
學生利用課餘時間參加證照輔導課程 | 鼓勵學生多加參與國內外各項競賽 |
【E-3】Outside school:Altruism-based action practice, domestic and overseas promotion services.
和太鼓隊至「埔鹽糯米文化節」開場演出 | 跨國志工至社區進行社區服務及文化交流 |
【E-4】External:School information is transparent and open, and the learning environment is friendly and shared.
積極透過新聞媒體發布校務資訊 | 開設「修平高教深耕計畫粉絲團」增加學生交流管道 |
【E-5】Internally: to improve the quality of exemplary school running, and promote the optimization of school affairs.
設立「校務研究暨規劃處」處理校級計畫及資源整合 | 每年進行相關議題分析,並進行分析結果報告 |
【F-1】The school’s contribution to the real estate industry settlement.
與企業合作設計「產學共構合作人才培育課程」 | 推動「產學共構合作人才培育課程」 |
【F-2】Establishing a University Social Responsibility Practice Base (I): Probing into and leading promotion of social responsibility issues.
建構智慧化環境監測暨災害預警系統 | 製作中、日文古蹟導覽手冊 |
【F-3】Establish a university social responsibility practice base (II): refine and deepen the practice of specific social responsibility issues.
「散田樂齡價值創造計畫」解決在地人口老化、照護資源不足、學校閒置空間等問題 | 再現田頭水-田中、社頭、二水區域整合計畫」串聯農村景觀、產業、老街與農特產品等元素 |
「文蛤智慧養殖與科學管理永續發展計畫」解決當地養殖環境惡化下的文蛤異常死亡問題 | 盤點彰化埔鹽農特產資源及傳統活動,舉辦埔鹽糯米文化藝術節 |
【F-4】Establish a University Social Responsibility Practice Base (III): Sustainable development of the field, deep cultivation and continuation plan of the agricultural local creation system.
大學生農作體驗 | 高中職學生農作體驗 |
社區大樓建置取貨站 | 成立「霧太達利安心家」交易平臺 |
舉辦黎明有機農夫市集活動 | 農業加值-2021南新花海藝術節-名畫上的我 |
農業創生系統經驗分享 | 榮獲 2020TCSA台灣企業永續獎-銅獎 |